[Callers] Circles, Crazy Circles
Paul Wilde
zenyente at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 20:04:26 PDT 2018
Bowl of Cherries by Sue Rosen. Please call it Fri at request night if you can.
Has a N & P Sw. Lovely dance. Smooth jigs is what Sue calls for.
Will send if you need.
On 7/9/18, Mac Mckeever via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
> Roger Diggle - Snake Oil Reel - great dance no circles
> On Monday, July 9, 2018, 7:16:41 PM CDT, Rich Sbardella via Callers
> <callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
> Helo Folks,
> This group has been so quiet lately. The group has been so important for me
> as I developed my Contra calling repertoire and skills, so I thought I'd
> initiate a conversation.
> As I sit here programming a dance I realize that I do not have many dances
> without circles. Many that I do have, do not have a Neighbor Swing, or have
> a Give & Take to cheat it out. Those factors limit where and when I can use
> them.
> I generally like to program two no circle dances in each half, and also a NO
> neighbor Swing dance in at least one half if not both halves of an evening.
> Any thoughts on this?
> Does anyone want to share some modern contras that have no Circles and no
> Give & Takes, but include a partner and neighbor swing.
> Here are a few I have used.
> Just for NEFFA, Linda LeslieRollin' and Tumblin'. Cis HinkleRocket City
> Romp, Cis HinkleTravels with Rick and Kim, Shari Miller JohnsonFriday Night
> Fever, Tony Parkes
> Thanks,Rich SbardellaStafford, CT
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