[Callers] Looking for "fun" dances

Bill Olson callbill at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 31 13:06:54 PST 2018

Yeah, That's what I was more thinking of than moderately difficult dances like Beneficial Tradition.. I like Gene Hubert's circle mixer "the wheel" :

The Wheel, circle mixer by Gene Hubert

A1 Promenade (CCW)(16)
A2 (face partner Gents facing out, Women facing in) join 2 hands with partner and walk ~8 steps IN (8), join hands in concentric circles and walk ~8 steps back out (8)
B1 all circle LEFT (opposite directions obviously)
B2 *SWING* (nearest person)

This dance is a riot. needs MANY couples in circle and resist urge to make 2 sets because even when dancers line up originally in circle NEXT to partner, they are never that way in the actual dance. Lots of craziness at swing, lost and found in the middle. gender changes happen here, also if dancer cannot find a partner at swing (or promenade) stay in dance with "invisible partner" and try again. Needs many couple to make it work, especially since women are on the outside of the concentric and have shorter arms on the average. If this becomes a problem 9womens arms being pulled out or arm sockets) tell dances "big steps in, short steps out"..  often, after a few times thru, I tell the dancers to "let the music tell them when to swing" in B2, then it's REALLY a riot. This works for dancers of ANY level! I've never had experienced dancers not have a good time.

I miss Gene!


From: Callers <callers-bounces at lists.sharedweight.net> on behalf of Chris Page via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2018 8:57 PM
To: sdgola at aol.com
Cc: Callers at Lists.Sharedweight.net
Subject: Re: [Callers] Looking for "fun" dances


-Chris Page
San Diego, CA

On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 10:23 AM, Sue via Callers
<callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
> Sure they're all fun (we hope). I'm looking for a few dances that are
> particularly playful, quirky, silly....something that typically gets the
> dancers laughing.
> You get the idea. What are your favorites?
> Sue Gola
> Princeton, NJ
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