[Callers] Looking for "fun" dances

Kalia Kliban kalia.kliban at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 13:54:50 PST 2018

On 1/30/2018 10:23 AM, Sue via Callers wrote:
> Sure they're all fun (we hope). I'm looking for a few dances that are 
> particularly playful, quirky, silly....something that typically gets the 
> dancers laughing.
> Some examples would be "Over the Hill and Still Chased" with the lady 
> round two/gent cut through figure, or Beneficial Tradition when the 
> dancers throw their free arm up and shout "Wooo!"
> You get the idea. What are your favorites?
> Sue Gola
> Princeton, NJ

"Pirates Across The Atlantic" by Andrea Nettleton has a figure-8 chase 
move at the start that's based on the English dance "Dancing Across The 
Atlantic."  The floor always gets really goofy when I call that one.  It 
has the double advantage of being a nice solid contra dance as well as 
having a silly bit.  It's not just a gimmick with a couple of swings 
stuck to it.

Kalia Kliban

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