[Callers] "I've Got A Bad Feeling About This" -- does this dance exist?

Amy Cann acann at putneyschool.org
Fri Feb 23 08:15:22 PST 2018

Hello again all -- it has been brought (gently) to my attention that I have
been laboring under a delusion, that I have strayed from the path...

"Do-SI-do, do-SA-do" does not mean back-to-back starting right shoulder,
then back to back starting left shoulder.

Deep down I know this, I swear, I know they're the same term with different
accents, but SOMEwhere.SOMEhow I started using the phrase/habit with a
particular wedding dance and it stuck. No idea why. Total brain fart.

Thank you, Tony Parkes, for leading me back into the light of truth.
I'm going to go recite the moves of Moneymusk three times and light a
candle to Ralph Page and hope that's enough penance.

Please replace the B1 part of my silly Star Wars trash compactor dance with
"Do Si Do, See-Saw"


On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 2:22 PM, Amy Cann <acann at putneyschool.org> wrote:

> Hey all! This dance just popped into my head as part of a discussion over
> on the pourparler/family dance community.
> I have NO idea if I've just reinvented someone else's wheel or not. Anyone
> know?
> Working Title: *"I've Got a Bad Feeling About This" *
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7U3Oti2L8S4
> Suggested Tune: *Cantina Theme*  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6PDcBhODqo
> Eight or more couples, "Big Square" formation
> Prep: form up like you're going to do a big circle, then "square the
> circle": divide dancers into four equal sets of partners, lined up along
> four NSEW walls.
> Wave at people across the room, figure out who your opposite pair is.
> Sides and Top walls can be slightly different numbers of partners as long
> as they match each *other*.
> *Side walls advance, right hand allemande* with opposite, retire
> *Top walls sashay *to opposite side (if gendered: "Drive in the right
> lane, men passing back to back")
> *Side walls advance, left hand allemande*, retire
> *Top walls sashay* home
> Everyone *dosido* partner,
> *do-SA-do* partner,
> *promenade* to next WALL.
> Do the dance four times with calls, four times "on your own"
> Possible prep practice: Tops advance, meet/identify your opposite, retire.
> Sides in, identify, retire. All promenade to next wall.
> Depending on size of hall, number of couples, and experience
> level/sobriety of dancers, this could either be cleanly/tightly phrased or
> a total pig-pile, sorta like Foula Reel.
> I'm going to totally try this at our (small, square-shaped, local,
> fun-loving and open-minded) Peirce's Hall this weekend, if Steve Howland
> will share the mic for a moment, but before I do:
> Does this already exist, and I've just forgotten?
> Or anything similar?
> Does it work in real life, with the right crowd/band/hall?
> Kinda excited to find out...
> Cheers,
> Amy
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