[Callers] Square Dance Choruses

Tom Hinds twhinds at earthlink.net
Fri Aug 31 04:13:51 PDT 2018

Of course there’s tons of material.  If you’re newish to calling I would get comfortable with a just one at first.  How about:

Circle left, right

Allemande left corner, grand right and left.

swing P and promenade

Forward and back twice.

You can change the order of the above for variety.  Just take a look at how the figure ends and begins so it all flows well.

My experience is that the some of the dancers will reach their partners a beat or two before the end of the phrase during the grand right and left.   So I always say something like “swing when your meet your own” rather than “when you meet your own swing”

Tom Hinds

Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 31, 2018, at 6:41 AM, Liam Binley via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I have been calling for about a 18 months now, mostly Contra, with a bit of ECD mixed in for good measure. The one thing I haven’t tried yet is American format squares(chorus, figure, figure, chorus, etc)! So, I have some square figures that I’d like to try, but I’m a bit stuck on choruses. Has anyone got any good, interesting, but simple choruses that can be easily done ‘on the call’?
> Many Thanks,
> Liam Binley.
> liam.binley at me.com
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