[Callers] Contras with square dance figures

Chris Page chriscpage at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 00:56:58 PDT 2018

If it can be done with four people, it's likely been put in a contra
by _someone_.

Some other moves that I don't think anyone's mentioned yet:

Grand right and left
Lady around two/gent cut through
Orbit (many dances) (derived from Spin the Top via Fenterlarick)

And some more obscure ones:

Two-leaf clover
Dip and dive
Roll the barrel
Mountain style do-si-do
All eight spin the top
Spin the top
Catch all Eight (as in "Dancing Bear")
Do paso
Dixie style to a wave
Scoot back
Half sashay

In some contras written by Contralab folks, you have all sorts of
stuff, including

Trade the wave
Sweep a quarter
Walk and dodge
Wheel and deal
Shuffle the deck
Diamond circulate

And plugging some of my own really weird dances, I've got:

Not Your Average Joe: Birdie in the cage
Rufty Rainbows: Rainbow stroll
TLC Tempest: Three ladies chain
Two Steps Forward: Ladies center/gents sashay
Wagon Reel: Wagon wheel

(One could even argue "Ladies chain" is this fancy new quadrille
figure that got introduced into contras.)

-Chris Page
San Diego

On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 12:51 PM, Rachel Shapiro via Callers
<callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm in search of contras that have borrowed interesting figures from
> traditional and modern western square dances. Do you have any favorites
> you're willing to share? I've got Rang Tang Contra and some dances with
> Dixie Twirls. Lots with Box the Gnat and Swat the Flea. Any others you love?
> Thank you!
> Rachel Shapiro Wallace
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