[Callers] How many beats to a rip/snort?

Jane Ewing contradance at charter.net
Sun Apr 8 06:54:45 PDT 2018

Jane's Rip & Snort   Dec 2011
Dup Im

A1     See-Saw N, Bal Cir
         2's Rip & Snort up thru 1's

A2     4 in Line-Turn Alone, Back & bend to ring

B1    Circle Left 3, Partner Sw

B2     Ladies Chain, Star Left

Jane Ewing
Grant, AL

Regarding timing... on its own A1 is technically longer then 16 for the 
average dancer......however the timing in B2 seldom takes 16.  When the 
2 are in action together 9 sets out of 10 have no problem.  Rip & Snort 
will still get close to 8 counts to accomplish.  This is an easy dance 
that brings out laughter.  It is also good to set up the caller to use 
R&S later in the evening in a square without having to teach the move 
during the Sq Dance walk thru.  Enjoy.  Also a big thanks to Tom Hinds 
who was my sounding board when working on this one

On 4/7/2018 4:11 PM, Tom Hinds via Callers wrote:
> I think you're correct about it taking between 4 and 8 beats (more like 6).
> If you want someone to ask, I'm pretty sure Jane Ewing of Alabama wrote a dance with this move in it.
> I don't think that we need to be rigid about the names we use today, but I suspect that historically cowboy loop was for four people and rip and snort was for 8.  There are callers who have been calling longer than I have and can correct me if I'm wrong.
> Tom

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