[Callers] Great dances for learning how to dance with ghosts?

Colin Hume colin at colinhume.com
Thu Apr 5 23:40:12 PDT 2018

On Thu, 05 Apr 2018 23:08:43 +0000, Jack Mitchell wrote:
> That works a lot of the time, but it really doesn't work in dances like Ken is talking about. Dance like song in
> the night (gene Hubert), or for other dances where you go out and then in and then out, not necessarily with your
> partner.

"Song in the night" was the second dance I called in my End-effects workshop, and you're right that "Treat your partner as a 
neighbour" doesn't work here.  I do mention "dancing with ghosts" a few lines later, and generalise the rule to "Keep doing as 
much of the dance as you can", and I agree that here you need to do a star three-quarters with ghosts.

On Thu, 5 Apr 2018 23:34:02 -0400, K Panton via Callers wrote:
> "Happy as a Cold Pig in Warm Mud" would be another where a star with ghosts would be on offer.

Here I think it's easier to do a left-hand turn with your shadow.

The really important thing is to get dancers _thinking_ about end-effects, rather than just reaching the end of the set and 
switching their brains off!

Colin Hume

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