[Callers] New (?) 4x4 contra

Colin Hume colin at colinhume.com
Wed Apr 4 00:33:12 PDT 2018

On Tue, 3 Apr 2018 22:27:19 -0400, Luke Donforth wrote:
> I'd appreciate feedback on flow (would it work), timing (is it too much?) and how you'd teach it.

I think the "Bent 4x4" is an unnecessary complication.  People expect to finish the figure facing the next line, not facing into 
the centre of the next set, so I would say:

A1:  Lines of four forward; gents roll partners away as you fall back.  Do-si-do the next.

I agree with Rick that the star figure will take longer than a regular half hey, so just let it flow into B2 with a partner swing 
- leave out the balance.

> I'm especially curious if something similar exists in the square dance repertoire; specifically the figure used in B1

People have mentioned two great dances: Hey-mania and Dutch Crossing.  I'm sure there are others.  There's also a nice dance by 
Frances Richardson, which I'm planning to call at the final session of Lichfield Folk Festival in June.  She wrote it when a 
friend gave birth to female quadruplets, and around the quads' 13th birthday they all danced it in the same set (very 

The Dixon Quadrille
Frances Richardson, 1993
Music: 4 x 48 bar reels

A1:	Allemande left corner, grand chain all the way.

A2:	Finish the chain.  Swing partner.

B1:	Men left-hand star three-quarters to corner (new partner).  Right-hand turn once, and face (in a cross formation, men in the 

B2:	Interlocking reels of four with hands (making a left-hand star in the middle each time).

C1:	Finish the reels (still in cross formation), give right hand to new partner, balance forward & back and swing.

C2:	Promenade to the _lady's_  place.  (naturally)

And here's one of mine.  "Reel" is English for "Hey".

A Reel Challenge
Colin Hume, 1995
Music: 48-bar reels


A1:	Heads forward and back.  Head ladies chain across.

A2:	Head ladies start a reel of four.

B1/2:	Sides the same.

C1:	Gipsy right new corner.  Swing.

C2:	Promenade to the man's place.    [Ladies have moved one place left.]

Double Figure:

A1:	All in to the middle and back.  All four ladies chain.

A2:	Ladies start interlocking reels of four.

B1:	Extra time to finish the reels, and two more changes.  Swing partner at home.

B2:	Promenade.

Suggested sequence: Break, Figure twice for Heads, Break, Figure twice for Sides, Break, Double Figure, Final Break.

Colin Hume

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