[Callers] Multiple N swings / does this dance exist?

Linda Leslie laleslierjg at comcast.net
Wed Sep 20 05:07:03 PDT 2017

Here are a few for you, Maia. Hope the workshop is a lot of fun!
ps: I have not seen your dance before…

Back from Vermont
by David Zinkin

A1 -----------
Neighbor swing
Long lines forward and back
A2 -----------
Star right three-quarters to long waves (P right, gents out, ladies in)
Balance the long wave
Shadow allemande left once
B1 -----------
Partner Balance and Swing
B2 -----------
Circle left three-quarters
Swing same neighbor
      At ends, don't cross! shadow!

Got Nice Neighbors
by Billy Boyer

A1 -----------
Down the Hall four in line, turn as a couple, return
A2 -----------
Circle left 3/4
(8) Neighbor swing
B1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) NEXT Neighbor swing*
B2 -----------
(8) Ladies allemande Right 1-1/2
(8) Partner swing

Naked in California
by Nils Fredland

A1 -----------
Long lines forward and back
Neighbor swing
A2 -----------
Ladies allemande right One-Half
Partner allemande left three-quarters
Shadow allemande right once and a half (ladies out, gents face in)
B1 -----------
Long waves balance right, left, Slide right
Partner swing
B2 -----------
Circle left three-quarters
Same neighbor swing

Around the Sound
by Cary Ravitz

A1 -----------
(var. on Give & Take): Long lines forward
 Neighbor gypsy 1/2, gent back up with N to swing (ladies side)
A2 -----------
(8) 1/2 Hey, men passing left shoulders
Same Neighbor swing
B1 -----------
Long lines forward, P gypsy 1/2 (same effect as pass thru, TA)
(8) Star Right 3/4 
NEW GENTS alle L once (ladies step L to meet P)

B2 -----------

CDS Reel
by Ted Sannella

A1 -----------
Neighbor swing
Long lines forward and back (end join in)
A2 -----------
Whole set circle left
Circle right
B1 -----------
Star left three-quarters
Gents turn back and swing partner
B2 -----------
Gents allemande left once and a half
Same neighbor Swing

On Sep 19, 2017, at 11:19 PM, Maia McCormick via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> Hey folks,
> Looking for a dance with multiple swings with the same N, and also preferably a P b&s, for a workshop I'm running on in-dance communication. Anyone have one to recommend?
> On a similar note, this is the dance I tossed off to fill this need: does it exist? If not, tentatively titling it "Good Fences".
> Improper
> A1: long lines forward and back
> (new) N swing
> A2: ladies chain to P
> half hey (ladies pass R)
> B1: P b&s
> B2: gents alle. L 1 1/2
> (same) N swing
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