[Callers] Two Dances: A New One and a Might Be New One

Erik Hoffman erik at erikhoffman.com
Tue Nov 14 22:43:34 PST 2017

Hi All,

First, it's been quite a while since I've contributed, and I have 767 unread Callers' List emails... Life's been busy. And, I've just replied to a couple emails without reading the whole thread. Hope I didn't butt in too soon..

Then, I've recently written a couple of dances. One I'm sure is new. The other I need to check with y'all to see if I actually did come up with it, or if I just recalled it from some distant or recent dance...

>>>>>>>> The new one >>>>>>>>>

Becket-Erik Hoffman

A1)  Circle Left ¾;  Pass Thru up & down, New Neighbor Swing

A2)  Women Chain Right to Shadow;  Men Allemande Left 1½
         NOTE: actually, men are start an allemande for 3 full turns!

B1)  Pick woman across, take her half way,
        Women loop back WHILE men (continue) allemande half
       Pick up Partner, take her half way (to original side)
        Butterfly whirl

B2)  Women (across) Do Si Do;  Partner swing

For some reason, men want to end the allemande every time they pick someone up... The second time I called this I had the men allemande three times around, in the hopes they would get the feel of it. I also developed the call:
   Men Allemande one and a half,
   Pick up that neighbor there, take her just half way
   Drop her off & go another half
   Pick up your partner

Or something like that.

There are two square dances: The Texas Star (in some versions), and The Chinese Fan, that have men (or women) in a double star, and have the women (or men) looping back to the men (or women) behind.

>>>>>>> The second dance >>>>>>>>>

This is the one that needs to be checked.

If I did make it up I'm calling it Sole Delight, as it was first danced at the Springfield, Missouri Sole Fest.


(The proposed) Sole Delight

A1)  Petronella Balance with an overspin to new Neighbor
        Neighbor swing

A2)  Hey, Men start, Left shoulder-end in long waves, Men facing in, Women out, same Neighbor in Right Hand

B1)  Box Circulate x 2
        (Balance wave, Men Cross while Women loop Right;  Balance Wave, Women Cross as Men loop)

B2)   Box Circulate x 1 (Men Cross, Women Loop) Partner Swing

Is it new?

~Erik Hoffman
   Oakland, CA

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