[Callers] Looking for a particular sort of becket dance

John Sweeney via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Fri Jun 30 14:15:14 PDT 2017

Hi Kalia,
	I see you have loads of responses already!  Here are a few easy ones
from my files that I believe meet your criteria:

Bases Loaded (by Jim Saxe,  Lydee Scudder, and Tom Thoreau)
Contra; Becket (CW)
Start by turning the circle of four 1/8 AC so 
that you face another couple on the left diagonal
A1: Forward with Partner (3), turn and take Neighbour(1), Back (2), back
slowly with a zesty Roll-Away with a Half Sashay (2)
A2: Repeat; Repeat
B1: Same four: Ladies’ Chain x2 (don’t worry about lines)
B2: Partner Dosido; Partner Swing – finish facing new couple on left

There is no Way to Peace; Peace is the Way (by Erik Hoffman)
Contra; Becket (CW)
Men: Look on your Left Diagonal – that is who you link with
A1: Ladies Dosido; Partner Swing
A2: Men Allemande Left 1 & ½; Neighbour Swing
B1: Long Lines Forward & Back
 Ladies link Right elbows and turn 1 & ½
B2: Ladies pick up Partner in a Star Promenade ¾
 Men who are approaching now link Left elbows to Star Promenade Partner ¾
 Push off to Butterfly Whirl on own side
Note: The second couple with whom you Star Promenade is the couple with whom
the dance starts again
This dance is easier than it sounds. It has proved good for mixed level
dancers because beginners can get into it, and the flow and unique quality
of the dance keeps experienced dancers interested. The consecutive star
promenades need a bit of space.

Fairport Harbour (by Paul Balliet)
Contra; Becket CW
A1: Men Allemande Left 1 & 1/2; Pick up Neighbour for Grand Promenade
(around the whole set – neutral couples join in)
A2: Ladies Turn Back (Back Track/Cast) & Gypsy Meltdown with the Man behind
– finish facing back
B1: Grand Promenade back until Partner is opposite (if you are with your
partner then you are a neutral couple at the end)
 Ladies’ Chain to your partner 
B2: Pass Through across the set; Partner Swing

Balance the Star #2 (by McLain Family)
Sicilian Circle/Becket-CW
Start holding hands across in Right-Hand Star
A1: Balance In and Out x2; Star Right
A2: Balance In and Out x2; Star Left
B1: Ladies Dosido; Men Dosido
B2: Circle Left; Slide Left to a New Couple (time for clogging!)

Fruit Punch (by Diane Silver (?))
Contra; Becket
A1: Yearn to New Neighbors on the Left Diagonal; Fall Back
  Ladies Allemande Right 1 & 1/2
A2: Neighbour Balance & Swing
B1: Balance the Ring; Pass the Ocean
Balance the Wave (R/L); Swing Through
B2: Partner Balance & Swing

Finding Your Balance (by John Sweeney) - intended for teaching purposes to
get people around four changes of right and lefts with plenty of time
Contra; Becket
A1/A2: Four Changes with Balances - Start Right with Neighbour
B1: Balance the Ring; Men Cross
  Balance the Ring; Ladies Cross
B2: Half Promenade (OR R & L Through)
Yearn on the Left Diagonal to New Neighbours

Grapevine Jig (by John Sweeney, based on Don Armstrong & Mick Peat)
Contra; Becket
Hold hands in Long Lines
A1: Grapevine: (R to side, L behind, R to side, L kick) x4
A2: Long Lines Go Forward & Back – with a bow
  Ladies’ Chain
B1: Circle Left; Star Right* – Men Drop Out
B2: Ladies’ Chain to Partner; Yearn on the Left Diagonal
* Make it easier with a Circle Right

      I hope you find something useful there.

Happy dancing,

John Sweeney, Dancer, England john at modernjive.com 01233 625 362
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent

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