[Callers] Looking for a particular sort of becket dance

Colin Hume via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Fri Jun 30 01:02:11 PDT 2017

On Thu, 29 Jun 2017 15:50:26 -0700, Jean Gibson-Gorrindo via Callers wrote:
> Hi Kalia (and all)!  Here is a fun one you might not have.  Jon wrote it just after Thanksgiving - hence the “play on
> words” title!

There's already a contra called "Trip to Phan Reel", by Susan Kevra in 1993.

And as it happens, it's a Becket dance which doesn't start with circle left three-quarters (though that does sneak in later).

A1:	Allemande left corner (shadow), swing partner.

A2:	Circle left 3/4.  Swing neighbour.

B1:	Circle left all the way and face up or down facing neighbour.  Roll away with partner; pass through and give right to new 
neighbour in a wave, ladies in middle.

B2:	Balance the wave; gents trade while ladies left-hand turn once (6 steps), allemande right partner (6 steps).

Colin Hume

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