[Callers] Looking for a particular sort of becket dance

Linda Leslie via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Thu Jun 29 15:33:25 PDT 2017

Here are few for you to consider, Kalia. Hope you and the new callers have a lot of fun!
warmly, Linda

On Jun 29, 2017, at 5:58 PM, Kalia Kliban via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm re-vamping my list of simple contra dances for new callers, and am in search of a very particular sort of becket dance.  The list is one of my hand-outs for callers' classes at camps, so the folks who'll be using it are likely to be nervous, brand-new callers.  To that end, I'm looking for sturdy, hard-to-break, low-piece-count dances.  In a perfect world they'd be composed of simpler glossary figures.
> I already have a fair collection of simple dances to choose from, but would like to include one more becket dance (I have Tica Tica Timing already on the list).  This perfect becket that I'm looking for should _not_ start with circle L 3/4, and should not contain petronella twirls.  Bonus points if it doesn't have a whole hey, since I've already got a couple of whole hey dances in the list.
> I look forward to hearing what you can recommend.
> Many thanks,
> Kalia Kliban

A1 Reel
by Chris Weiler

A1 -----------
(8) Circle Left 3/4
(4) Balance the Ring
California Twirl
A2 -----------
New (16) Neighbor balance and swing
B1 -----------
(8) Half Right and left through
(8) Women allemande Right 1-1/2
B2 -----------
(16) Partner balance and swing

Boys from Urbana
by John Coffman

A1 -----------
(8) Circle Left 3/4
Zig left Zag right
New gents alle left 1/2
A2 -----------
(16) Neighbor balance and swing
B1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Women allemande Right 1-1/2
B2 -----------
(16) Partner balance and swing

Classical Contra
by Peter Campbell & Lisa Greenleaf

A1 -----------
Circle left three-quarters, pass through
New neighbor do si do
A2 -----------
Same neighbor Balance and Swing
B1 -----------
Long lines forward and back
ladies do si do once and a half    (or allemande right)
B2 -----------
Partner Balance and Swing

Equal Turn, The
by Tom Hinds

A1 -----------
Gents Allemande left once and a half
Neighbor swing
A2 -----------
R & L through
Ladies chain
B1 -----------
Circle Left three-quarters,
pass through up and down
New ladies allemande left once and a half**
B2 -----------
Partner Balance and Swing

Midwest Folklore
by Orace Johnson

A1 -----------
Circle left three-quarters
Neighbor do si do
A2 -----------
Neighbor Balance and Swing
B1 -----------
Circle left three-quarters
Partner Do si do
B2 -----------
Partner Balance and Swing
     (look left and slide left to a new couple)

Trip to Falmouth
by Linda Leslie

A1 -----------
Circle left three-quarters
This neighbor do si do once and a quarter (form a wave)
A2 -----------
Wave Balance, walk forward  and new neighbor swing
B1 -----------
Long lines forward and back
ladies R dance around  once and a half
B2 -----------
Partner Balance and Swing

Serenity & Grace
by Linda Leslie

A1 -----------
Long lines forward and back
Circle Left three-quarters
Pass through up and down

A2 -----------
Next Neighbor Balance & Swing (do si do works better)
B1 -----------
Gents allemande left once and a half
(face partner)
1/2 hey
B2 -----------
Partner Balance & Swing

Wingnut Whirl
by Allan Brozek

A1 -----------
(8) Down the hall, four in line (turn as couples)
(8) Return and Bend the line
A2 -----------
(8) Circle Left 3/4 and pass through along the set
(8) Next Neighbor swing
B1 -----------
(8) Men allemande Left 1-1/2
Scoop up partner and star promenade half-way
B2 -----------
(8) Women Do-si-do
(8) Partner swing
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