[Callers] Docey-Doe (Was: Swing Like Thunder)

jim saxe via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Wed Jun 14 13:53:26 PDT 2017

The version of the "Docey-Doe" done by Shaw's exhibition
group, the Cheyenne Mountain Dancers, can be seen multiple
times in this video:

     also at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA-Qoipv-Kk

Tony Parkes wrote:

> ... the instructions in Shaw’s book and those on the LSF webpage describe two related-but-different versions of the docey-doe. ...

> Brief descriptions: In Shaw’s book, from a circle of four, the ladies pass left shoulders and face partner. On the webpage, from a circle of four, ladies do a rollaway with their opposite to face partner. In both versions, continue with left hand to partner, ...

Note that two versions are even more closely related than a
cursory reading of Tony's description might suggest.  The
action for the women in the "rollaway" is to follow pretty
much the identical track as they would if they were to pass
left shoulders with each other, but doing a solo clockwise
spin (pirouette) as they travel.  In the film/video cited
above, there are some cases where a woman pirouettes twice
around.   And note, by the way, that the women do not finish
the "rollaway? by rejoining hands with the dancer they rolled
past (their opposite), but instead go directly into a left
hand action with partner.


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