[Callers] Folk Dance Books Available

Jerome Grisanti via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Mon Jan 30 10:55:43 PST 2017

Recently, the university where my wife works got rid of their dance
department, and my wife brought home to me multiple copies of a bunch of
folk dance books, including:

Folk Dances of the British Isles (Anne Schley Duggan, Jeanette Schlottmann,
Abbie Rutledge -- at least three copies)

Folk Dances of European Countries (Anne Schley Duggan, Jeanette
Schlottmann, Abbie Rutledge -- at least three copies)

Folk Dances of the United States and Mexico (Anne Schley Duggan, Jeanette
Schlottmann, Abbie Rutledge -- at least three copies)

Folk Dances of Scandinavia (Anne Schley Duggan, Jeanette Schlottmann, Abbie
Rutledge -- at least three copies)

The Teaching of Folk Dance

Teaching of Ethnic Dance (Joukowsky)

American Indian and Other Folk Dances (Shafter)

Caller/Teacher Manual for the Extended Basics Program for American Square
Dancing (Ruff) (Two books: Levels 1-3 and Beyond Level 3)

Folk Dancing in High School and College (Grace I. Fox)

Folk Dance Progressions (Lidster and Tamburini)

AND, she wants me to clean up my dance library. Any help you can offer to
move them to new homes (come and get them, I'll send them to you, etc.)
would be greatly appreciated.



Jerome Grisanti


"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power
and magic in it." --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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