[Callers] Contras which feature a "Dublin Bay" figure

Erik Hoffman via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sat Jan 21 10:02:17 PST 2017

Jerome nailed it. The first part of the dance sets up the lines with a shadow, not partner. At the end of the Dublin Bay, then people on the ends essentially turn single half way, turning away from the lines or, as I put it, “looping back,” over their outside shoulder. The people in the center have been behind their partner, you know, watching their partner’s every move (at least for the last bit of the Dublin Bay…). They centers step forward, and towards the outside to meet their loopy, oops, no, I mean looping partners.

Now I’m off to the Oakland Women’s March. No Ravens, or Rubies, or Wems today!

~Erik Hoffman
   Oakland, CA

From: Callers [mailto:callers-bounces at lists.sharedweight.net] On Behalf Of Jerome Grisanti via Callers
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 1:15 PM
To: Kalia Kliban <kalia.kliban at gmail.com>
Cc: callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net>
Subject: Re: [Callers] Contras which feature a "Dublin Bay" figure


In Erik's dance, it appears partners are in adjacent lines of four (whether women or men are in front depends on which side of the set you're on, also which way the lines are turned. It also appears that the first 12 beats of the Dublin Bay figure are as usual, but the last 4 beats are replaced by outsides turning down and insides walking up to meet their partners.


Jerome Grisanti
"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 2:47 PM, Kalia Kliban via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net<mailto:callers at lists.sharedweight.net>> wrote:
I can't figure out the transition from the Dublin Bay figure to the P bal/sw.  Can you elaborate?


On 1/19/2017 11:49 PM, Erik Hoffman via Callers wrote:
I find, when dancing the one or two dances I’ve danced that try to steal
the Dublin Bay figure, they have a line backing up bending into a
circle. I found this transition not to my taste. So I took a stab at a
different transition. I think it works, but it’s a bit tricky:

Happy Birthday, Susan
Erik Hoffman
A1      Wm “Chain the line” (Wm Al R ¾, then to next Wm,  Al L ¾ to meet
Nb on R diag –  across from Shadow);
Neighbor Swing
A2      LLF&B;  Wm Chain to Shadow
B1      Dublin Bay DH4inL ends loop back, centers step forward to
B2      Pt B&S

Given to Susan Petrick on her birthday, while on tour with the
OpporTunists in 2010 (I think).
        The Dublin Bay DH4inL: Down for 4, turn alone backing up for 4,
up for 4, turn alone, backing up for 4. From the ECD dance Dublin Bay.
Others have used the Dublin Bay  move, but ended it with a “fold into a
circle. That backing up, then circling has never felt good to me. This
is my attempt to come up with a segue I like.
        Note, even though it’s a Becket dance, there is a difference in
roles in this dance between the “ones” and “twos”.

~Erik Hoffman
    Oakland, CA

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