[Callers] Holiday Contra

Linda Leslie laleslierjg at comcast.net
Thu Dec 14 10:59:42 PST 2017

Here are a few more!

On Dec 14, 2017, at 1:24 PM, Rich Sbardella via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> Does anyone have a couple of easy holiday themed contras to share?
> Thanks,
> Rich 
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Christmas Hornpipe
by (Traditional)

A1 -----------
Cpl 1 Balance (2 times) ring of 3 with Lady 2
Circle left once
A2 -----------
Cpl 1 Balance (2) with Gent 2 
Circle left once (2’s let go)
B1 -----------
4 in line down the hall (actives in the center) TA return
and cast off
B2 -----------
Long lines forward & back
Actives swing

Joy to the World
by Don Flaherty

A1 -----------
(8) Circle Left 3/4
(8) Neighbor swing
A2 -----------
(8) Women's Chain
(8) 1/2 Hey, women passing right shoulders
B1 -----------
(16) Partner balance and swing
B2 -----------
Promenade across and whirl to face left diag.
Slice with the couple on the left
   (or long lines and then a R & L)

Snowball Shimmy
Seth Tepfer
Type: Contra
Formation: Becket-CW
Level: Easy

A1 -----------
(8) Circle Left 1X*
(8) Men allemande Right 1-1/2
A2 -----------
(16) Neighbor balance and swing
B1 -----------
(8) Balance the ring and twirl to the right (petronella)
(8) Balance the ring and twirl 2 places to the right (petronella)
B2 -----------
(16) Partner balance and swing (face left)

Notes: *I Changed this to slice left, gents alle Left 1 & 1/2

Snow Dance
by Gene Hubert

A1 -----------
Ring Balance
Ladies pass by the R/change places (alternate with men change places)**
Ring Balance
California twirl with your Neighbor (face a new couple, shadow in other hand)*

A2 -----------
Circle left once
Star left once
B1 -----------
Partner Balance and Swing
B2 -----------
Right and Left through  (long lines)
Ladies Chain

Hors d’oeuvre
by Melanie Axel-Lute

A1 -----------
(8) Neighbor Do-si-do
(8) Neighbor swing
A2 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Women's Chain
B1 -----------
(8) Women allemande Right once
(8) Partner swing
B2 -----------
(8) Circle Left 3/4
(4) Balance the Ring
Pass through

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