[Callers] Waltz-Time Contra Choreography

John Sweeney via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sun Aug 13 07:45:02 PDT 2017

	Dugan asked about waltz contra choreographies.

	The music in the Allison Wonderland video is much faster than I
would use for a contra waltz.  Many of the dancers seem to end up almost
running to keep up.  The waltz at the beginning or end of an evening at a
contra dance is usually significantly slower, and more the sort of speed
that I would use to get the feel of a waltz.  (Yes, I know the Irish like to
waltz 50% faster, but that is a very different style!)

	Here are some contras that were written specifically for waltz

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Tulsa Tribute (by Keith Tuxhorn)
Contra; Becket - Waltz

A1:  Circle Left Half Way (2); Balance the Ring (2)
  Circle Left* Half Way (2); Balance the Ring (2)
A2: Open Ladies' Chain x2
B1: Full Hey with hands - Ladies start with Right Hand
B2: Partner Waltz in Place (4), Waltz Left** to face a New Neighbours (4)

An Open Ladies' Chain is an old form in which you do NOT do a Courtesy Turn.
I always teach it and call it as "Ladies Pull By Right, Allemande Left the
Man you meet"

* I go Right to make it easier for inexperienced dancers  ** I go Right
because my brain tells me that is the direction in which I should waltz
around the room

Easy B2: Ladies Gypsy (4); Yearn Left (2); Step Right & Honour (2)

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A Waltz for Terry (by Don Armstrong)
Contra; Improper - Waltz

A1: #1s with #2 Man: Balance the Ring twice; Circle Left
A2: #1s with #2 Lady: Balance the Ring twice; Circle Right to a Line of Four
facing Down the Hall (#1 Lady lets go with Right Hand; #1 Man raises Left
Hand to left #2 Lady through)
B1: Down the Hall in  Lines of Four (2) bars, Balance Forwards (1), Turn
Alone (1)
      Up the Hall in Lines of Four (2), #2s Gate the #1s Up to progressed
positions with a wide hand-cast (2)
B2: Open Ladies' Chain  (the Men can do a Turn Single to the Left while the
Ladies cross)
      Open Ladies' Chain back

An Open Ladies' Chain is an old form in which you do NOT do a Courtesy Turn.
I always teach it and call it as "Ladies Pull By Right, Allemande Left the
Man you meet"

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Equal Opportunity Waltz Contra (by Becky Hill)
Contra; Improper - Waltz

A1: Star Left; Star Right
A2: Neighbour Allemande Right; Partner Allemande Left
B1: Ladies Cross (2); Men Cross (2)
 Balance the Ring; Partner Roll Away with a Half Sashay
B2: Partner: Take Right Hand: Balance & Box the Gnat
  Partner: Take Left Hand: Balance & Swat the Flea

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If I was going to use a standard contra then I would choose a smooth,
flowing one like:

The Mad Gypsy (by John Sweeney)
Contra; Becket

A1: Ladies' Chain
  Mad Robin - AC - Ladies through the Middle
A2: Full Hey - Ladies start Right Shoulder
B1: Ladies Gypsy (slow & wide)
  Neighbour Two-Hand Turn (or Waltz)
B2: Balance the Ring; Ladies Cross
  Yearn on the Left Diagonal

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Happy dancing,

John Sweeney, Dancer, England john at modernjive.com 01233 625 362
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent

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