[Callers] Looking for "A Great Catch"

Linda S. Mrosko via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Fri Apr 14 21:27:02 PDT 2017

A friend is looking for a dance called by Steve Zakon-Anderson and she
believes it's called "A Great Catch."

Her description, as she remembers it, is:

"Ladies left allemande 1 1/2 and balance in a short wave with partner in R
hand, Walk forward to new wave with your shadow in your R hand, Allemand R
1 1/4 with shadow to long lines, ladies facing out, men facing in, Slide to
the right in front of your shadow and catch your partner for a swing,
?Circle to the left all the way around"

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!


*Looking forward,Linda S. Mrosko*

*102 Mitchell Drive*

*Temple, Texas 76501*

*(903) 292-3713 (Cell)*
*(903) 603-9955 (Skype)*
*contradancetx.com <http://www.contradancetx.com>*

*www.zazzle.com/fuzzycozy* <http://www.zazzle.com/fuzzycozy*> (Dance
buttons, t-shirts, & more)*
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