[Callers] Contra friendly squares

Erik Hoffman via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sun Oct 16 23:25:11 PDT 2016

Though Banjos in Love, For Maxine & Brendan does fit the quality of "Contra-like", it's not the easiest dance in the world. But it does have its own intro/break:

Banjos in Love, for Maxine and Brendan	Quadrille

Intro, Break, End

A1	Head women chain right;
Same four half hey

A2	Four women star right half way (4)
Swing the one you meet (12)

B1	New head women chain right (actually, same head women, new head men);
Same four half hey

B2	Four women star right half way (4)
Swing partner at home (12)


A1	Head couples lead right, split the sides, and cross trail through, around one to lines (man man woman woman)
Lines of four, forward and back, center women roll away with a half sashay

A2	Forward and back
Women chain across, end courtesy turn with a roll away with a half sashay

B1	Swing the one coming your way (they're across from you at the ends of the lines, and next to you in the center of the lines)

B2	Promenade this new partner to the man's home place.

Call: intro, heads, heads, break, sides, sides, end

A (slightly improved upon) square for the wedding of Maxine Gerber and Brendan Doyle, both great banjo players from Berkeley.  Either of these figures can be used as a quadrille figure with a normal break, but they were conceived as a single dance.

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