[Callers] Post-Election Day dances

via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Tue Nov 15 19:34:42 PST 2016

Here's what I actually called on post-election Wednesday in  Baltimore:
Long May It Wave (Melanie Axel-Lute)
The Eyes Have It
Vote With Your Feet (Bob Isaacs)
Take All of the Credit and None of the Blame (Larry Edelman)
Not a Figment of Your Imagination (Lynn Ackerson)
The Dancer's Duty (Chris Page)
Kitchen Stomp (Becky Hill)
United We Dance (Bob Isaacs)
The Tease (Tom Hinds)
There Is No Way to Peace, Peace Is the Way (Erik Hoffman)
Illegal in Most States (Robert Cromartie)
Jubilation (Gene Hubert)
[A little backstory -- I run a dance camp called FootFall. To avoid using  
gazillions of paper cups at meals and dumping them in the landfill, every 
year  we provide all dancers with a travel mug (labeled with their names). 
Every year  it's a different color, and it has a different dance-related quote 
on it.]
Thursday morning, I got the following email from someone who had been  at 
the Baltimore Wednesday night dance::
"My FootFall mug in my office says, 'We do not always dance because we are  
happy, but we dance and cannot help but become happy.'  Last night,  
post-election, was such a night."
April Blum
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