[Callers] suggestions for dances

Colin Hume via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Wed Nov 2 12:09:20 PDT 2016

On Tue, 1 Nov 2016 18:39:38 -0400, via Callers wrote:
> Wanted to know if anyone has dances with days of the week in the title. 

Thursday Night Flash!

Longways duple improper		32 bar American jigs

A1:	Men right-hand turn 1½, to face partner in a diagonal line of four.  Do-si-do partner.

A2:	Diagonal hey for four, passing partner right to start.

B1:	Right hand to partner, balance F and B; swing (6 bars).

B2:	Half promenade, finishing opposite the other couple.  Ladies chain across.

Written at 5 to 7 one Thursday evening, while planning "Beginners" - I needed a dance with a diagonal reel of four.  The whole 
dance came to me in a flash - so Andrew Coates gave me the title.  There's even a jig called "Thursday Night".
Colin Hume, 1993 -- DWAD5, 1998.


Saturday Special

Circle       		32 bar waltzes

A1:	All join hands: four waltz steps in.  Four out.

A2:	Right-hand turn partner.  Left-hand turn corner.

B1:	Give right hand to partner: balance forward and back; pass on.  Give left hand to the next: balance; pass on.

B2:	Take ballroom hold with the next: two chassées in; two out.  Waltz.

(I don't know who it's by.)


Tuesday Contra

Longways duple improper	 32 bar lively American reels

A1:	Right-hand star.  Do-si-do partner.

A2:	Balance to neighbour (Ken says twice).  Swing.

B1:	Down in a line of four (4 steps), California twirl.  Lead back, bend the line; circle balance.

B2:	Circle left.  Left-hand star.

Ken Bonner -- Ken's Contras No. 2, 1993


Colin Hume

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