[Callers] New (?) dance, B1 balance, B2 balance and partner swing

Bob Isaacs via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Mon May 9 15:37:23 PDT 2016

Hi All:
As Luke noted, there are two dances with similar names.  The first is:
Return to Sender
Becket-L, double, 7/18/00
A1.  L diagonal R and L through, ladies chain to neighbor
A2.  Hey (LR, PL, GR, NL) - give R to N
B1.  Balance, box the gnat and pull by R, gents allemande L 1 1/2
B2.  Partner balance, swing
On 5/19/03 I wrote Return 2 Sender, the same dance below that Luke re-discovered.  With a neighbor swing and a single progression, this is objectively better.
For both I offer the following teaching tip: at the end of the hey take R with neighbor and have all face across, so for Return 2 Sender the ladies are back to back.  Then have all take a small step to their L as the ideal position to finish the hey (if facing across is 12 o'clock/6 o'clock, then slightly L of across is 1 o'clock/7 o'clock).  Then after the box the gnat and pull by, the ladies have a clearer path into the allemande L - 
BecketA1Circle left 3/4Neighbor swingA2Gents start hey for 4 by leftB1Right to neighbor (women back to back in middle), balance and box gnatPull by right, women allemande left 1 1/2B2Partner balance and swingSlide left
Happy dancing

Luke Donforth
Luke.Donforth at gmail.com

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