[Callers] Young Adult Rose

Kalia Kliban via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sun Mar 27 21:21:02 PDT 2016

On 3/27/2016 6:15 PM, David A Kaynor via Callers wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> The “Young Adult Rose” which I made up goes thus:
> Duple Improper
> A1:  w/neighbor, balance and swing end progressed
> A2:  Circle left 3/4 til gents are back home; w/partner, pass right
> shoulder; w/shadow, left hand turn
> B1:  With partner, balance and swing
> B2:  Ladies chain across; star left

Thank you so much for chiming in on this!

> I will just observe that, even if different from and perhaps somewhat
> less satisfying than what I made up, having to turn with *right*
> hands rather than left hands seems a bit inconsequential to me,
> considering what’s going on in the world around us  these days.

As problems go, it's a delightful one to have.

> One might well wonder if the revolting individuals chose to at least be
> gracious.

They were having a good time but fighting mightily with their (as it 
turned out, correct) inclinations to allemande left.  There was a 
collective sigh of relief when I made the change from the mic.  This is 
a group with a lot of beginners, and I had just given them a 
no-walk-through medley for possibly their first time (it was certainly 
my first time).  We were all finding our way through it together, and it 
was a good ride.


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