[Callers] Young Adult Rose

Jonathan Sivier via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sun Mar 27 16:16:08 PDT 2016

    I've not encountered problems with dancers not doing the figures 
described in the dance, but I have experienced a certain amount of 
dissatisfaction when dancing dances with similar figures.  I think there 
is a tendency to want to alternate hands/shoulders as you encounter 
other dancers.  Similar to a hey or Right and Left Grand if you pass one 
person by the right the tendency is to want to interact with the next by 
the left.  This can be overcome, but requires thinking about what the 
next figure is rather than just doing it and it can make it difficult to 
"get into the groove" the way many dancers like to do.  I don't think 
this is always the case, but I have certainly come across occasions when 
it just seemed like we were turning by the wrong hand or whatever.

Jonathan Sivier
Caller of Contra, Square, English and Early American Dances
jsivier AT illinois DOT edu
Dance Page: http://www.sivier.me/dance_leader.html
Q: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
A: It depends on what dance you call!

On 3/27/2016 3:24 PM, Kalia Kliban via Callers wrote:
> I called Young Adult Rose last night and experienced a near-complete
> dancer revolt about the shadow allemande.  The dance is written with a
> circle left 3/4, pass P by R along the line then allemande shadow R 1x,
> before coming back to P for a balance and swing.  The dancers all
> _really_ wanted to do the allemande by the left.  I tried calling it a
> few times with the R hand, then gave up and called it L and they were
> all much happier.  Anyone else experienced this?
> Kalia

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