[Callers] This dance or something like it?

Ron Blechner via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Wed Mar 23 20:43:21 PDT 2016

For a while I've wanted a dance with:
- easy difficulty
- 2 swings
- a courtesy turn (promenade or chain)
- everyone allemandes
- a star
- Ideally ladies doing one move together and gents doing one move together.
- timing that isn't tight (Dayton 1.5 by Perry Shafran came very close, and
I use that, but doesn't leave quite enough wiggle room for too many new

Basically, A Nice Combination / Simplicity Swing / The Baby Rose but with
an everyone-allemandes.

I was stumped. If you have a suggestion, I'm ears!

This is what I've worked together. I called it last Friday at Greenfield,
MA, with maybe 15% new dancers, and it worked well.

Mistakes Happen, Have Fun
Ron T Blechner
Start: Duple Imp.
Difficulty: Easy

A1. Gents DSD 1x (6)
       NS (10)
A2. Circle L 3/4 (6)
       PS (10)
B1. LLFB (8)
       Ladies Chain (8) (to N)
B2. Star L 1x (8) (to Next N)
       (Next) N Alle R 1.5x (8) (until gents face in)*

* Technically, this dance is a reverse progression indecent dance. But
don't tell the dancers this. It can be lined up improper and taught


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