[Callers] Fw: Fw: another new word idea
Andy Shore via Callers
callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Wed Jan 27 17:32:19 PST 2016
On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 11:51 AM, Jeremy Gmail via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
> In MWSD, walk around (your corner) is effectively a “without hands” Right
> Hand Turn – it specifically does not have the “look at the other person”
> aspect.
> This is not in itself a reason for not using the phrase, but avoiding
> confusion with closely allied dance forms that share dancers is probably a
> good idea.
> Jeremy
This is not correct. Current CALLERLAB definitions include styling that
includes "eye contact"
>From the current CALLERLAB Basic/Mainstream definitions (revised May 31,
2013) available for download at callerlab.org:
[my emphasis added with underlining]
*26. Walk Around the Corner*
*Starting formations:* Squared Set, Infacing Circle Of 8
*Command examples:* Walk Around the Corner
Walk All Around Your Corner
4 Ladies Chain; Circle Left; Walk Around New Corner
All Around the Left Hand Lady
Walk All Around the Left Hand Lady; See Saw the Pretty Little Taw
*Dance action: *Dancers face their corners. *Walking forward and around
each other while keeping right shoulders adjacent,* dancers return to their
original position, with their backs toward their corner. [underlining mine]
*Ending formation: *Right and Left Grand Circle
*Timing:* 8
*Styling:* Men hold arms in natural dance position. Women use both hands on
skirt, moving skirt forward and back to avoid opposite dancer. *Dancers
should maintain eye contact over their shoulders until their partners
become visible.* [underlining mine]
*Comment: *Square dancing is evolving towards a preference for "Walk Around
the Corner" instead of "All Around The Left-Hand Lady", which requires the
women to mentally translate the command to "All Around The Right-Hand Man".
While I'm not suggesting we adopt the MWSD nomenclature (in particular, the
left-shoulder version is called "See Saw" in current MWSD which is
something different in current contra), I do want to point out that the
dance action is exactly what we desire for a right-shoulder gy--y. The only
difference is that MWSD it is essentially restricted to exactly 1x around,
and in contra gy--y is 'as far as directed'.
/Andy Shore
Santa Cruz, CA
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