[Callers] That g word

Erik Hoffman via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Thu Jan 21 22:19:53 PST 2016

I've been dancing both roles since before I started calling. I remember 
dancing once with David Cantieni at Spring Weekend in the 80s, and women 
getting mad at us because we should have danced with them... And, I 
started using "Men" and "Women" almost when I started to call.

I used to say, "Anyone can ask anyone to dance, men can ask women, women 
can ask men, men can ask men, and women can ask women. You should try as 
many of these as possible." Then my dance community, Santa Barbara, CA, 
received a letter about me saying that at a dance in Santa Maria, a 
little, quite conservative town north west of Santa Barbara. The letter 
noted that some people left when I said that. After that, on further 
reflection--for the time and place--I felt the letter writer was 
correct. I didn't want to drive away homophobic people, though I wanted 
people to feel comfortable dancing with anyone.

But Read W., well, I'm from California, and he's from Massachusetts. 
Things might have been different back here, rather than out east, since 
we are the "left coast"...

~erik hoffman
     Oakland, ca

On 1/21/2016 5:33 PM, Read Weaver via Callers wrote:
I expect at the time you made the change from "ladies" to "women," very 
few men would have considered dancing with another man, and those who 
did would have faced confusion at best, and hostility from some--I speak 
from my own experience. As that has changed, so has the language. Sorry 
if you think that's something to sigh about.

Read Weaver
Jamaica Plain, MA
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