[Callers] here it is - sorry

Bob Isaacs via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Mon Apr 4 07:06:14 PDT 2016

Thank you, Michael.  The term for the WWII tragedy still evokes a lot of pain for those who survived it and their descendants, and hopefully will have no further use in a forum devoted to dancing - 
"we're comparing our having fun traveling to various dances to the widespread persecution of an ethnicity (the worst being the Holocaust)."
Maybe you do.   No one else uses such  bizarre logic.  Conbtradancers as a group are about as left of center  and non-discriminatory in their beliefs as any non-political group gets.
Your suggestion is absurd
 Michael Fuerst      802 N Broadway      Urbana IL 61801      217 239 5844 

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