[Callers] Shadow Swing Disclaimers?
Woody Lane via Callers
callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Thu Sep 10 02:13:25 PDT 2015
i agree with Eric. The world, even the contra world, is not always a
comfortable place. Within reason, we should be able to deal with it,
especially on the dance floor.
Woody Lane
Caller, Percussive Dancer
Roseburg, Oregon
home: 541-440-1926 cell: 541-556-0054
On 9/9/2015 3:39 AM, Eric Black via Callers wrote:
> Wow. ISTM [It Seems To Me] that this is far more responsibility for
> controlling social interpersonal interactions than the programmer
> and/or caller at the mic should have to worry about, even though we do
> worry about such things.
> Sorry I don’t have opportunity to participate on this email list more
> often. That Pesky Day Job [PDJ] and all…
> Short response: Don’t point out shadow partner interaction; the
> dancers need to be adult about it, no one listens to the Caller
> anyway, let alone anything said while they’re still lining up.
> Longer response:
> I really REALLY don’t think that there should be any announcement
> calling attention to the fact that the next dance has interaction with
> someone other than your chosen partner. What, are we supposed to say
> “This is a duple improper single progression with a shadow who is the
> same active or inactive role one place below [or above] where you line
> up”?
> Or should we say “Thank this partner, and ask another partner for the
> next dance. As you line up, if there is someone at the dance here
> tonight with whom you don’t want to dance, please make sure that they
> are in a different longways set than you, or that if they are in the
> same long set as you that they are not in an adjacent hands-four from
> you either up or down as you line up for the dance.”
> Are we dance choreographers supposed to create dance sequences that
> don’t have any “serious” interaction with the shadow partner, just in
> case the dancers happen to line up such that someone on the floor has
> an “Ex” as a shadow partner? Or someone who hasn’t showered recently
> enough?
> We already have the problem of MUC rejection of any dance that doesn’t
> include both partner swing and neighbor swing; this seems to be an
> injection of a problem of a potential swing with a neighbor some
> dancers might not want to swing with, yet such swings are still required.
> I’m confused…
> <SoapBox>
> Yes, I understand the many reasons for not having serious shadow
> interactions, but I am proud that every local dance community where
> I’ve been a member, from NH/Boston to CA/SF, has understood that
> interpersonal conflicts will happen, and yet social interactions are
> required. They understand how to make everyone work together. Family
> schisms are inevitable. Personal hygiene issues may arise.
> I hope that everyone eventually can live the philosophy on Jeremiah’s
> T-shirt: “Dance With Who’s Comin’ Atcha!"
> Even long-time couples break up. It’s painful to the people involved
> and also to everyone surrounding. We’re all Community here.
> Our Community is larger and more long-lived than the simple “nuclear
> family” of two parents and 2.3 children. That means we get to “enjoy”
> many various kinds of family ties, both genetic and non-genetic.
> The Community connection carries us all through this specific
> break-up episode. The Dance entertains us and it heals us and it
> strengthens The Community.
> I say this with a VERY PERSONAL involvement in this community support.
> Yes, we DO see what’s going on. Yes, we DO love both of you, even if
> you’ve split apart, and even if there is a court restraining order
> about you both showing up at our dance on the same night (that’s a
> different discussion, and yes, it does happen).
> If there’s a personal hygiene problem, sometimes it simply can not be
> helped. I myself could change shirts whenever the band changes tunes
> and it still would not be often enough. In such a case, please enjoy
> fresh pheromones; fresh sweat can be enjoyable sweat. If it’s stale
> sweat, then by all means tell the person that a shower with soap would
> make him/her a more enjoyable dance partner. That’s a quiet
> face-to-face conversation.
> BUT please dance for several seconds, smile, and move on.
> All that aside, any swing can be changed to an allemande right once or
> twice (to taste), or an elbow swing, or a do-si-do, or a gypsy (with
> varying amounts of eye contact, again to taste). Experienced dancers,
> especially a split dancer couple who encounter each other in line,
> will do whatever they feel comfortable with. What a GREAT opportunity
> to swap roles with your partner, given a little look-ahead! (“Oh!
> that’s my Ex ahead; let’s swap!” or just take hands with the palm-up
> signal that you’re taking the “Gent” role next time) Painless and fun.
> Never mind that experienced dancers often rewrite the dance to change
> a non-swing dance move into a swing, even in the middle of a hey; it’s
> just as easy to go the other direction, to reduce interaction. That’s
> what dancers do. Just Be In The Right Place At The Right Time.
> We always say that a neighbor interaction is “just one time through
> the tune, just 30 seconds”. Well, a shadow interaction is generally
> at most one 8-count thing; 4 seconds repeated every once in a while as
> wonderful music plays. Maybe double that for some dances, so then
> about 8 seconds out of every half minute or so.
> It seems to me that we as social animals should be able to deal with that.
> Certainly we do this in our daily lives on the
> street/office/garage/whatever. We can be civil and even develop the
> ability to enjoy a 10-second interaction with an ex we encounter in a
> public event.
> One of the things I love about contra dance is that it gives us all an
> opportunity to “be” the persona we live the rest of the time, or “be”
> someone else during The Dance. We’re wearing a costume while we’re
> dancing, even if it’s not obvious. Many of our dancers have an
> on-the-floor personality which is quite different from the personality
> they exhibit the rest of the time (such as while talking and enjoying
> refreshments at the break during the evening dance). Certainly I wear
> a different persona on the dance floor than when I am at the break,
> and I’m someone else if I’m calling, and someone else if I’m the dance
> organizer.
> THEN there’s the issue of identifying which of the various people
> “near” you as you line up might be your shadow/TrailBuddy. In a
> Becket dance it’s likely to be your neighbor to the side in line, or
> could be next beyond them, or the neighbor to the other side, or maybe
> the next beyond them. I TRULY advise against spending too much effort
> in identifying the “Corner/TrailBuddy” in advance, as the dancers are
> lined up. In a duple improper, your shadow could be ahead, could be
> behind. It depends on the choreography. And it changes if someone
> drops out, or if someone joins in after the walkthrough.
> That’s not the place to spend your precious seconds at the mic as a
> caller. Get them moving and listening to the music.
> </SoapBox>
> We already have the problem of MUC [Modern Urban Contra] rejection of
> any dance that doesn’t include both partner swing and neighbor swing;
> this seems to be an injection of a problem of a potential swing with a
> neighbor some dancers might not want to swing with, yet such swings
> are still required.
> I’m confused...
> -Eric
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