[Callers] counterclockwise momentum?

Jack Mitchell via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Wed Sep 9 15:59:00 PDT 2015

I definitely try to identify them, and for the most part, there are very
few of them that I call (at least not that I call unmodified).  There are
exceptions, of course, but even there, I tend to run them short, and avoid
calling them early in the evening.  I'm not sure that a follow up dance can
really help matters all that much.  People who are particularly susceptible
to dizziness will probably sit out the next dance anyway, and people who
aren't probably won't really notice.  Now medleying a really clockwise
dance with a dance that could "unwind" the dancers might work.....

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 1:34 PM Lindsey Dono via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> Hi Callers,
> There are a number of dances that have significant clockwise momentum; I
> try to label such dances so I don't call them back to back. However, I'd
> like to identify a collection of dances with the *least* clockwise movement
> (beyond swinging in the other direction).
> Which moves are CCW? I realize that this depends somewhat on how the move
> is danced.
>  Have you IDed any dances as particularly good to call after a very
> clockwise one?
> Thanks!
> Lindsey
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Jack Mitchell
Durham, NC
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