[Callers] A Rededication & Renaming of a Dance Formerly Known as Jeff's Gypsy

Paul Wilde via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sat Oct 31 21:52:11 PDT 2015

Jeff's Gyre & Gimble        DI

A-1  1s Gyre & Gimble (R Sh)
A-2  Down Hall Line of 4,  2s Hand Cast 1's (or trn as cpl), return

B-1  Circle L 1X (all are back to orig DI)
       Pass N-1 by R and Gyre N-2 by L
B-2  N-1 Gire & Gimble  (R Sh)

Notes:  This dance needs room, so best to keep lines short.  Using the hand
cast in A-2 means you will also need space width wise.  The effect in the B
part is of sweeping figure 8s along the side of the set.  Tunes w/ ECD
feeling work well.

The terms will need defining for the first or second time you use them w/ a
group, but I suspect people might willingly adopt them w/ a smile.  Thanks
for suggesting this.  Lovely.

This dance was written in honor of Jeff Ratch, a dear friend and dancer who
left us much too soon.  Jeff was able to make me howl w/ laughter quicker
than anyone I've met.  It was hard to explain to people as we danced back
in at the end of a line why I was so hysterical.

Jeff, if you've been keeping tabs on us, I hope you get a huge belly laugh.
Let us continue to revel in joyfulness, gentleness, and remain respectful
of others.


PS  It felt appropriate to rephrase this dance, written as a memorial, on
the cusp of Halloween & All Souls Day, esp. w/ the extra hr thrown in to
help blur the lines a little more.

If you try it, please let me know how it was received.
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