[Callers] Gypsy

Tom Hinds via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sat Oct 31 07:37:01 PDT 2015

In my opinion the offended women actually helped spread a stereotype  
she didn't like.  Who on this list knew that Romani women had a  
reputation for being (I can't remember, was it) sexual?  Not me.   
Okay, it was the caller she complained to who put it out there, but  
she started it.   Should the caller feel defensive or should the  
caller turn the issue around if it's appropriate?

I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY WANT TO KNOW, who on this list believe that  
contra dancers have a negative view of the Romani people because of  
the word gypsy?  Anyone?

For me the more important issue is education.  I learned another  
tidbit about the Romani people.  Yes I understand how people can be  
sensitive, but perhaps this woman needs to learn something about us  
before jumping to conclusions.


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