[Callers] Progressive politics? Ha, ha

Aahz Maruch via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Thu Oct 29 06:51:07 PDT 2015

On Wed, Oct 28, 2015, Michael Fuerst via Callers wrote:
> I have been contra dancing for 30 years or so and this is the first
> time I've encountered a question about "gypsy" being controversial.
> The people who contra dance on average are well left of center
> politically--people who would never use an ethnically offensive
> word.(Finding a bumper sticker at a contra dance gathering supporting
> a Republican candidate is quite impossible.)As you noted, language
> evolves, and the use of "gypsy" in contra dancing never had any
> offensive baggage or intent. Given the thousands of left-wing contra
> dancers who have guiltlessly gypsied over the years, having a single
> individual (who may not well be a member of the allegedly offended
> group) come to a dance, and for some reason makes the connection she
> did, does not seem adequate to drop the word.

<belly laugh>  Your suggestion that progressive people promoting
political correctness always stick to their progressive principles is
risible.  I suggest that you do some research into the countless number
of times that "progressive" people have screwed over minorities who
weren't in their own demographic.

To save you a bit of time, here's one specific example that consumed
large amounts of time and emotional energy in one of my other social


> Your examples of "nigger" and "faggot" are not comparable, as they are
> today often sill used with intended hate.

Please re-read the messages pointing out that in Europe, particularly,
"gypsy" still definitely gets used as a hateful slur.  And I don't know
enough about *ALL* of American culture to presume that "gypsy" isn't used
that way here in significant subcultures.  Certainly "gyp" (as a verb)
does get used.
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