[Callers] Gypsies

Kalia Kliban via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sun Oct 25 18:42:02 PDT 2015

On 10/25/2015 6:32 PM, Don Veino via Callers wrote:
> At the risk of offering one more straw dog, there's "loop".
> "End that star [left] facing your next neighbor, loop right [around]
> that neighbor and continue into a swing."
> "Two ladies loop left once and a half, _insert_call_here_ your partner."
> To my knowledge, it's free of call/cue homonyms, sounds short and
> distinct and the other use in contra ("with your partner promenade
> across and loop wide to the left to face a new couple..." is a similar
> concept. No obvious negative meanings in common language (most are
> positive, e.g.: "in the loop").

This is the best of the bunch so far, IMO.  And it's pleasantly short.


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