[Callers] Advice about "gypsy"

Yoyo Zhou via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sat Oct 24 08:30:43 PDT 2015

Since when I'm prompting, I sometimes just say "right shoulder" (or "left
shoulder" for a left shoulder gypsy), I'm going to try using that as the
name the next time I call. The teaching would look like:

"Point your right shoulder at your neighbor and look them in the eyes. Walk
around them. Swing."
"This neighbor allemande right once and a half. Go on to the next neighbor
with a left shoulder - point your left shoulder at them, look them in the
eyes, and walk around once, but come back to your first neighbor and swing."

(Of course, this means that see-saws are a little bit more confusing, since
in teaching them, one often uses the words "left shoulder". But those are
rare enough that I'm not overly concerned.)

Yoyo Zhou
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