[Callers] Gypsy perception

Tom Hinds via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sun Nov 1 17:16:00 PST 2015

No Aahz my logic is broken.  Our perceptions and experiences are  

You said,

> The question isn't whether using "gypsy" generates negative  
> stereotypes but whether using the word reminds people of existing  
> negative stereotypes and whether the people referred to by the word  
> have negative reactions to the use of the word.

Aahz, you can define the discussion in a narrow way but I prefer to  
keep it more open.

This may surprise you but I have a favorable view of the Romani.  In  
the '80s I danced Flamenco and developed a deep respect for them.   
More recently I saw a documentary on their culture that centered  
around a performance of them from various countries.  So my view of  
them has been positive!  Until this discussion.

To be honest, the more I read from those who don't want to use the  
word gypsy (in private from some), the less favorable these people  
are in my mind which I don't want.  I realize that your intentions  
are good but with me you've accomplished the opposite of what you  
want.  Perhaps you should consider not using their name in the same  
sentences with derogatory terms.  Don't underestimate the power of  


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