[Callers] dances in unusual formations

Jacob or Nancy Bloom via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sun Nov 1 12:46:05 PST 2015

Here's some of the dances I've done which haven't already been mentioned.

Set a Crochet - Traditional French Canadian

Couples scatter on floor, then find another couple
As couples, hook left elbows and turn
Circle left
Swing Neighbor, Swing Partner

Borrowdale Exchange - Scatter mixer
Formation: three couples in circle

Circle left, Circle right
Forward and Back, partner dosido
Hands-across right hand star.  Starting with the two people whose hands are
lowest, each pair pulls their partner to them for a swing
Promenade with your new partner to make new sets

Billingsdale Pattern - Chip Hendrickson
Two couples in line, women back to back

Hey for four
Dosido partner, Swing
Right hand star, Left hand star
Ladies Allemande R once and a half, Allemande L Neighbor.  Start with
Ladies back to back first two times, Gents back to back second two times.

Squeeze the Wheel - Rich Blazej
Circle of threesome facing threesome

Middles turn contra corners
All balance and swing opposite, end facing center of big circle
Four steps in, balance, four steps out, balance
Circle 6 once around, pass through

Space Debris - Jenkins
Individuals facing any direction

Promenade alone, find a partner, promenade any direction, find another
Circle L, circle R
Dosido partner, dosido opposite
RH star, take L hands as well, buzz step swing for 8, explode the star and
promenade off alone

Luck of the Morris - Jacob Bloom
Circle of three couples.  Each person's partner is diagonally across the
circle of them.  I have sets form up as for a triplet, then say, "Second
couple change places with your partner, first and third ladies change
places with each other."  Each couple is active in turn.

Actives lead Forward 6 and Back (the actives take the people on each side
of them and lead towards their partner diagonally across from them), all
swing opposite, Actives end their swing facing one of the end couples and
the others end facing the middle
Actives with one end couple Ladies chain over, chain back, actives do an
extra half turn
Half Right and Left with the other end couple, Actives go between them,
cast off with next couple
Circle 6 to the left, all into center and back.  (The next time through, a
different couple leads the Forward 6 and Back.)

Cornwall 6 Hand Reel, Walpole Cottage, General Dummer's Reel, Levi Jackson
Rag, and The Weevil have already been mentioned.  A word about The Weevil:
I've found it important to emphasize to the dancers that they are NOT
standing across from any other dancer.  Instead, the three dancers on one
side are standing across from the spaces between the four dancers on the
other side.  If they stand across from another dancer, they will get
confused when they try to change places with the dancers on the right and
left diagonals.


On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 12:10 AM, Donna Hunt via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm doing a workshop on dances "outside the box" (ie, no squares or
> contras).
> Anyone have any interesting dances for contra dancers that fit the
> criteria?
> I have Tom Hinds "Hexitation" and several triplets, a Zia and a Tempest,
> and have looked through the Ralph Page weekend glossary, but I'm wondering
> if you were doing a workshop like this, what would be your top pick of a
> dance?
> Thanks
> Donna Hunt
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