[Callers] Fwd: Itty-bitty dances, triplets, odd numbers

Paul Wilde via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sun Nov 1 10:35:46 PST 2015


Here are the figures for the three suggestions I sent.

David's Triplet # 5 (David Smuckler).  It has a lovely hey for 6 w/ a P
Gyre & Swing  to finish.

A-1 1s cast to bottom, ret up inside and cast around w/ same gender 2s
       All face P, dsd 1 1/4 to wavy line of 6, P in RH
A-2 Bal wave,  P Al R 1/2 reform (luv it) wave, Bal pull by P by RH into
      (Hands may help at first)

B-1 Hey for 6, when next you see your P
B-2 P Gyre & Gimble, end facing up to be proper, new top cpl.

Levi Jackson for 5 cpls. 1 top cpl and 2 pairs of sides, horseshoe shaped.

A-1  Sides R & L across set, ones walk to center slot btw 2 prs of sides
(traffic island)
       Sides R & L back, ones  finish walking to bottom of set and cast out
back to top

A-2  While top cpl is walking back to place, sides circle left (hands 4) 1X
       All face P and Do Si Do 1X

B-1  5 Ladies Star R (Leave 1, pass 1, turn w/ the next, guys NEED to help
out here)
       Again, 5 Ladies Star R (leave 1, pass 1, turn the next)  Set needs
to tighten up for B-1

B-2  Prom your new P 1 pl CCW & (balance if time) and swing your new P.
New Tops.

Square Line Special  Octet by Gary Roodman  starts w/ 2 hands 4 DI not too
far apart.

A-1  Lines of 4 at side F & B
       Trade places w/ person across in a very leisurely R Sh Gyre (lots of
time on this 1)

A-2  Face same person and RH balance, pull by, pull by L w/ N w/in your
hands 4
       Swing the next you meet (now you have broken out of hands 4) end in
a sq.

B-1  Heads F & B
       Head Ladies Chain

B-2  Heads go out to R and Circle L 1X w/ Sides, til heads are bk to bk in
       Sides arch, heads pop thru, go around nearest side to from lines at

With the right group, you can have lots of fun w/ this.  If the Sides go
out to R to circle w/ Heads, Heads arch, sides pop, and you have turned the
set 90 degrees (surprise) and lines at head go F-B.  You can basically call
whatever you want in the B-1 to make things fun, but use your best
judgment, it can get confusing dancing this the first time.  I'm still
looking at ways to get the entire set to mix Ps.  As presently written, not
everyone gets to be a P to all 4 dancing the opposite roll.  Would love
some insights how to make this happen in a simple fashion (at least at

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