[Callers] Giving Weight

JD Erskine via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Wed Jun 24 18:10:37 PDT 2015

I do (mildly) state that it is a lean. However I don't associate bending 
at the waist with it, myself or publicly in any demonstration of it. I 
will say the two of us in a swing is a bit like a top, a pull string top 
or toy, and I show my two hands, wrists near meeting, finger tips up and 
apart. Those hands are straight. If I see anyone bending I'll kindly get 
them to try it without that.

I also add that we each remain responsible for keeping ourselves upright.

Sometimes, with time available, or if I'm feeling playful I'll suggest 
slowly opening one's grasp a wee bit. "Okay, watch their eyes!" <grin>

This is a personal approach I try occasionally, mostly as I'm a bit of 
goof and like playing around. However if it appears funny (in a safe 
context) it may cement an idea.
[Rigid adults -- Do not try this in your dance community. It's use 
depends on your own personality. /caution]
I start a intro session much like Kalia does with circles, experienced 
connection to the music, arms - with springiness, grasp, life, 
connection to each other.

I like the idea of comparing the action again with floppy arms/connection.

I may now cover the allemande immediately after any initial circling, if 
I have them with a partner. That or circling again (large or small 
circles) just before getting into the allemande.
I see Giving Weight as one of the more problematic terms when used in 
isolation, or rather with little context. (Another major one is "1s 
cross over" -- from some unknown/unnamed spot. A relative directive. 
Ugh. I don't use this.)
Starting that gallop of a buzz step on the right foot, something I very 
recently picked up from this or the Trad Dance Callers list, really 
seems to minimise the sideways or backward movement I've seen some do.

Cheers, John
J.D. Erskine
Victoria, BC

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