Hi Rich,

The new partner swing is unusually short for a contra dance crowd.  I think that might tempt people to swing for longer, then start the swing late.  Since the promenade is once and a quarter around instead of once around, that might cause people to be late for the next round of the dance.  (The problem wouldn't exist with the 4-beat MWSD swing.)


On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:55 PM, Rich Sbardella richsbardella@gmail.com [trad-dance-callers] <trad-dance-callers@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Here is a square with MWSD roots.  I am wondering if is too much for an experienced contra crowd?  Is there a similar square in the trad circles?

Hds DSD and face sides (8)
Star R with the sides (8)
Hds to Center Star L (8)
With same outside two R&L Thru (6)
Rollaway with Half Sashay (4)
Box Gnat (4)
Pull By (2)
Allemande Left (4)
New Partner Swg (4)
Promenade (16)

Any thoughts?

Rich Sbardella
Stafford, CT
