I do it with the sequence:  AB AAB AAB AAB AAB AB  Is's an opener (AB)  one time through for each couple leading (AAB) and then a repeat of the opener as the closer (AB). 

Best shot at finding pre-recorded version will be through Modern Western square dance sources like DoSISo.com .  The Lloyd Shaw Foundation had some recordings, too, and it would be maybe a likely source, but I don't know if they are available any more.  You could check that out.

I've had good luck getting a few musicians tother and having a recording session.  The recordings are not super high quality, but work fine for a dance party.  

Ridge (in New Joisey)

On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 3:53 PM jim saxe jim.saxe@gmail.com [trad-dance-callers] <trad-dance-callers@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

John Sweeney asked:

> Please can anyone recommend a good instrumental recording of the music for the Redwing square dance?

and Rich Sbardella repliedL

> Are you looking for the 32 bar or 48 bar (for Dip n Dive) square?

I'll add:

Are you looking for a recording suitable for use at a dance without
editing (dance length, dance tempo, maybe an intro to help get your
calling off to a clean start)? Or are you looking for some to
practice calling to at home, even if it's not full length? Or
something musicians can listen to as an example of a danceable
rendition, even if you're going to have them play it more times
through and maybe double on of the parts at an actual dance?

I think finding listenable instrumentals won't be hard, at least
for the 32-bar version. Finding a instrumental recording that you
can use as is for calling the 48-bar version of the dance seems
like a tall order unless someone happens to know of one made for
that purpose.

Note, by the way, that 48-bar version with the dip-and-dive figure
is sometimes called with an intro and possibly middle break and
ending, of different length. For example, in this recording


the main figure is 48 bars (32 bars of A music plus 16 bars of B),
but the intro, middle break, and ending are just 16 bars (B music
only), so that the overall pattern is


where the A and B parts are each 16 bars long (in contrast to the
usual 8-bar length for parts of a contra tune/dance). I've also
seen versions of the dance described with the structure


(32-bar intro; 48-bar main figures, middle break, and ending) and
I think also one with the structure


It would be surprising if someone without such a dance structure
in mind just happened to publish a recording of "Redwing" fitting
one of those patterns.


Ridge Kennedy [Exit 145]

When you stumble, make it part of the dance.