
This would be a real difficult dance for the dancers in my area.  Maybe calling it during a workshop would be a good idea.

I think a 64 beat sequence would be good for a group that can really square dance.  But with a less skilled group you might consider padding it out in some places and use some old time music.  You'll have a better chance of not loosing the floor.

My personal preference would be to add a do si do with one's corner before the star right.

In my area and others, box formations are confusing enough that I have to be real careful in teaching.  In my area dancers who can do a right and left through in a contra with no trouble will mess it up doing from the box.  The issue is the those facing in sometimes try to courtesy turn their opposite instead of their partner.  And of course if they mess up on the right and left through, they'll never recover with the rest of the routine.  Workshop....


On Jun 28, 2017, at 6:38 PM, Sylvia Miskoe [trad-dance-callers] <> wrote:


F&B would be called Into the center and back.
Sylvia Miskoe, Concord NH

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 6:01 PM, Rich Sbardella [trad-dance-callers] <> wrote:

I was thinking a Fwd & Back to start the dance, and a longer partner swing, will take this from 32 bars to 40 bars.  The Fwd and back and the swing both provide some recovery time for those who may need it.
In theory the dance was exactly 64 steps, but my worry was about the rollaway, box gnat, pull by, allemande left sequence.

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 4:31 PM, Colin Hume [trad-dance-callers] <> wrote:

On Wed, 28 Jun 2017 13:55:00 -0400, Rich Sbardella [trad-dance-callers] wrote:
> Here is a square with MWSD roots. I am wondering if is too much for an experienced contra crowd?

Well, it's not a contra so you don't have to fit it into 32 bars! Just call it unphrased. Watch the dancers, and if they want to
take longer on the short moves, let them. Let them have longer on the new partner swing - most contra dancers in the States think
that's the most important part of the dance anyway. If you want to get back on the phrase of the music you can add after the
promenade: "All join hands, go in to the middle and back. Swing your partner once again". It doesn't matter if you're out of
synch with the music - just put in a shorter or longer break so that you can finish the dance at a suitable point in the music.

Colin Hume

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