
Sun Feb 5, 2017 3:45 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Dale Wilson" bird_weaver


Our (Asheville's) annual dance weekend, SplashDance, has always had open calling all weekend long, but dancers complained on the evaluations about the qualities described above, which often result from an open calling format.  So for several years I've been facilitating the open-calling:  callers sign-up with me ahead of time via email to get on the list to call.  There's a deadline a few days before the weekend starts.  On that day, I take the whole list and figure out how many dance slots each caller can have, based on how many want to call, and I do a line-up.  (When they sign up, they let me know if they aren't available any particular times during the weekend -- e.g., not arriving til Sat.)  Then, we have a  programming meeting prior to each dance session (one for Friday night, one for Sat. night, one for Sunday afternoon).  These take place at Fri & Sat dinners, and Sun. brunch -- required attendance for those on the line-up for that session, although anyone else can sit in if they want.  We all eat together and get out our cards and put together the program.  This creates a much better flow for the dance session.  It's better for the dancers, and it also takes the pressure off all the callers from having to really attend to what was called before their turn.  The programming meetings have taken the place of having a caller's workshop at the weekend -- basically, it's a hands-on workshop on the art of programming.  There's a lot of good discussion about how dances do or don't fit well together, and it's a chance to discuss ideas about mood and flow and other programming considerations beyond the basics of not repeating signature moves too many times, and having a good balance of smooth vs. bouncy.  A few folks have actually opted to sit in on the programming meeting just to listen, even though they don't want to call.

It's an evolving process, and I keep tweaking it every year, but I think it's generally worked well the last few times.  It IS a lot more work for me, but it's my contribution to the weekend, to try to help make the calling as good as possible while still providing an open format to give lots of participants a chance to call. 

Maybe this model will be useful to others with an open-calling format for a whole dance weekend.

Diane Silver
Asheville, NC