Jim Saxe answered most of Ralph's questions, but I'm happy to post the moves for Fast Living:

Fast Living, by David Kirchner
4-facing-4 or 'Portland Fancy' formation

Fwd and back in lines of 4
Ladies grand chain to diagonally opposite gent
Hey for four along the lines of four
Balance and swing one you courtesy turned in A1
Gents left hand star 1/2
Swing partner, face original direction

Hey in A2 is across the hall, i.e. perpendicular to direction of progression. I've also seen it folk-processed into an up and down the hall hey. Watch for gents to have trouble orienting to find the star in B2.


1b. Re: Contras with English moves
    Posted by:  Ralphsweet@aol.com
    Date: Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:40 pm ((PDT))

David asked about dances with an English accent.  Following is one I  think
meets his criteria, mentions David and his great dance Fast Living,  and
remembers wonderful person and English Dancer and Dance leader, Mary  Kay
Friday.  Here's the info on a dance.  Title is explained in  notes.

"Following is one - - - "   and "Here's the info "   leads me to think that
directions  for a dance will actually follow   "here".

But they were not "there"!   How about  posting the dance ?  Also  the
dance for " Fast Living"?   I  also danced with Mary Kay Friday  (not to be
confused with  Mary Cay  Brass! )
Thanks,   Ralph Sweet