Dear All,
I just deleted a "psychology teacher" message that appeared on the
list -- the result I fear of someone being hacked.
I work in IT in my day job and we spend a lot of time reminding people
DO NOT OPEN any message that is in any way suspicious and NEVER,
NEVER, NEVER click on links in messages that you have any doubt might
not be legit.
And despite that, we have had two users get infected with
Crypto-Locker type viruses that have propagated to servers that we had
to delete and replace with backups.
The crypto lock stuff is especially concerning -- it's not just
malicious -- it's a business. And so the bad guys have an incentive
to keep refining and flooding the internet with this stuff.
I recently purchased a backup drive and have backed up all my
computers and keep the drive off-line. That way, if my systems should
get hit, the virus can't propagate to the backups. this included my
files in the cloud -- google drive and the like. I'm not sure a
crypto locker today can get there, but by tomorrow, it probably will.
Like the old sergeant Esterhaus on Hill Street Blues used to day:
"Hey, let's be careful out there."
Ridge Kennedy [Exit 145]
When you stumble, make it part of the dance. - Anonymous
And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at
least once. And we should call every truth false which was not
accompanied by at least one laugh. - Friedrich Nietzsche