Thanks, Emily! I signed up. Just a note for anyone who didn't want to click
to find out -- it's on Monday 9/20 at 7:30 pm.
- Amanda
On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 10:16 PM Emily Addison via Song Organizers <
songorganizers(a)> wrote:
Hi trad song organizers.
I just posted this info on the dance organizers list and thought that song
folks would likely be very interested as well...
CDSS is hosting a workshop with Dr. Dena Ross Jennings on Cultural Equity
at the Local Level. Dena is familiar with many of our traditions --- she
led cultural equity workshops at the Youth Trad Song weekend this year and
she's the facilitator of CDSS's Cultural Equity Working Group. I attended
Dena's workshops at YTS and they were fantastic.
More info is below. (Heads up - you need to sign in through CDSS's web
portal to register but that's pretty easy.)
Join us for our September Common Time, "Cultural Equity at the Local
Level," with Dr. Dena Ross Jennings (of Imani Works
Cultural equity embodies the values, policies, and practices of providing
equal access to the arts, including our shared dance, music, and song
traditions, especially to people who historically have been
underrepresented or denied access to those traditions. This means we are
working to ensure that everyone who wants to participate in our traditions
is empowered to do so with a full sense of belonging and ownership. This
also means we are working to educate ourselves on the full history of the
living traditions we share, including where and how these traditions have
silenced and appropriated ideas from marginalized voices.
But how does this work apply to local dance, music, and song
organizations? How do our organizations and events need to change in order
to be more equitable? And how do we begin to have these conversations?
Join us as Dr. Dena Ross Jennings, facilitator of CDSS’s Cultural Equity
Advisory Group, leads a presentation and discussion about cultural equity,
appropriation versus appreciation, and the key element of communication
that makes all of this work possible.
Register at
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