Hi Song Organizers,
Kelsey Wells @ CDSS asked me to share this invite with you. It's an online
event associated with the CDSS Harmony of Song & Dance camp. However, all
are welcome.
Feel free to share if you like.
Emily Addison
Writing from Ottawa, Ontario
Missing singing together? Missing being at Pinewoods? Our wonderful singing
teachers from Harmony of Song & Dance at Pinewoods have put together an
online camp chorale for you to enjoy! Join us at 12:30 p.m. EDT every day
from Sunday, July 26 to Friday, July 31, to learn new songs from The Vox
, Windborne
, Katie Martucci
Chris Bracken, and Brendan Taaffe, hosted by Harmony Week program director
Betsy Branch!
All are welcome, and there is no charge to attend—please follow the link on
our website to register and you will receive the access link by email:
https://camp.cdss.org/camp-weeks/harmony-of-song-dance/. You just need to
register once to attend any (or all!) of the six sessions. We'll be
learning a new song every day Sunday through Thursday and then singing
through them all in the final Friday session.