Hi Organizers!
We just had a FABULOUS Balance the Bay weekend in San Francisco last weekend. We are so
pleased to get many comments saying how welcoming and friendly the dance felt to new or
out of area dancers.
I’d love to hear what you are doing to make your local dances or weekends more welcoming?
Here’s some of what we did:
1. We did not gender balance (and it turned out fine, though the Bay Area has a large
number of dancers who can dance both roles)
2. We offered stickers to put on name buttons at checkin to anyone who wanted to
self-identify that they were new to this dance weekend. Then we had a sign on the wall
indicating to everyone that we should especially welcome those with the stickers &
consider asking them to dance. We also asked the caller to remind dancers to dance with
folks they don’t know.
3. We provide a buffet dinner on Sat eve, so folks have more opportunity to socialize
4. Many in the community are supporting inclusive dancing by NOT booking ahead. Many
dancers said that it was a relief not to have to scramble for a parter right after each
dance. They could get some water, come back and always find dancers available.
5. We offered child care with a family sharing their care giver with other families who
signed up. We had a donation box for anyone in the community to support having child
care at the dance. We also organically had a couple family dances during the breaks with
dancer musicians and even a 5 year old new caller, who called his own choreography!
6. We printed some of the BIDA (Boston Intergenerational Dance Advocates) safety signs and
put them around the dance hall.
https://www.jefftk.com/p/bida-signs <https://www.jefftk.com/p/bida-signs>
7. We had a “dancer connection” large wall paper that allowed dancers to connect, offer
meals together, etc. We also had a ride share board for offers or needs.
8. We had our most welcoming volunteers at the front table on Friday evening. Greeting
dancers by name and handing them their name buttons when possible.
I’m sure there’s more, but that’s what comes to mind. I’d love to hear what you do at
your dances?
Claire Takemori
Dance Caller
South Bay Contra Organizer